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Epoch X BLM: Rise Like a Hero

As part of a University crossover brief with Epoch, I had to the opportunity to examine brands associated with the agency to create a Black Lives Matter campaign. This consisted of looking through the various brands on Epoch's website, then picking a brand that I believed would have potential to showcase what they could possibly do to highlight BLM to potential customers across the UK.


For me, I chose to look into the brand 'Hero', a Nigerian beer celebrated within the meta-ethnicity of Igbo, which was born out of celebrating and discussing their culture. I believed that I could create a campaign that would give the chance for Hero Lager to open up new pathways to not just the Igbo people, but also black-British audiences who would appreciate this feeling in the midst of their own adversity too.


To carry this idea over to the UK, I made a limited-time campaign that would be placed over the dates of Black History Month 2022, ensuring that on the campaign's launch, maximum engagement can be made with the brand and messages surrounding the motives of the launch.

Out Of Home Billboards

Print - OOH Advert (Woman).jpg
Print - OOH Advert (Man).jpg

Social Media - Twitter

Twitter Profile Page.png
Twitter Post.png

Social Media - Facebook

Facebook Profile.png

Social Media - TikTok

TikTok Post.png

Product Packaging: Mock-up

Asset 1.png
Asset 1.png
Asset 1.png
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